Follow Australia Domestic Travel Packages

Our Follow Australia tour sees us visiting 6 unique Russian cities as we take in the magic of the World Cup. To get between cities we have chartered Airbus A320 aircraft, so you’ll be flying aboard a Green & Gold Army Airways!


Our Domestic Travel Package includes:

  • Moscow to Kazan (charter flight aboard A320)
  • Kazan to Ulyanovsk (overland by coach)
  • Ulyanovsk to Samara (overland by coach)
  • Samara to Sochi (charter flight aboard A320)
  • Sochi to Moscow* / Saint Petersburg* (charter fight aboard A320)


End City Economy Business
Moscow $1,598 $2,098
Saint Petersburg $1,836 $2,336

Business Class includes a wide-back seat and additional leg-room in a 2 -2 formation. A standard food and beverage service is provided only (alcohol is not permitted on flights during the World Cup).

The cost of your Domestic Travel Package will be added to your Booking Confirmation and payment will be taken following confirmation from us (see below). As always, we will be in touch a few days before payment is processed to give you the option to pay by bank transfer or debit/credit card.


*Note that we have one aircraft which will fly to Moscow and another that will fly to Saint Petersburg from Sochi for the final two nights of our tour. Please select your preferred final city when completing the request form.

If one flight/final city is oversubscribed, we will allocate preferences in order of date of request. We will confirm arrangements with you by 15 April.

If you choose to end your tour in Saint Petersburg, it is likely that your return international flight back to Australia will depart from Moscow. We can provide options to connect with your return flight. Please indicate if you would like us to provide you with this option in the form below.

Our Domestic Travel Package is subject to Booking Terms & Conditions

It is important that the personal details you provide are complete and correct per your passport as these are required by Russian authorities for internal travel. Please complete the form manually and do not use any autofill functions to avoid errors. 

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